To stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), you should avoid close contact with anyone you do not live with.

Put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
Wear something that covers your nose and mouth when it's hard to stay away from people
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when you cough or sneeze
Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
Wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
Stay at least 2 metres (3 steps) away from anyone you do not live with when outside your home

Detailed our Response
Due to the spread of the Corona pandemic, which threatens many countries including Yemen, BFD has devoted its efforts to confront this pandemic by the provision of urgent response for the health system in Yemen, ensuring a multi-sectoral intervention, including key sectors such as WASH, health, shelter, CCCM, Nutrition, and FSL as well as contributing in coming up with solutions related to Covid-19.
BFD has trained its cadre, trained CHVs are instructed to focus on hygiene promotion messages, HFs under the coverage of BFD are supplied with IEC and awareness guide which BFD established through its media sector jointly with health, infographics printed and shared in the field and through our public social media, jointly with influential Yemeni characters short videos were published and made available to the public on awareness and infection prevention measures (All materials made available by BFD are based on endorsed and harmonized material).
In one of the largest Quarantine sites in Yemen specifically in Al Baydah BFD has contributed to work on daily basis for 1 month (thorough COVID-19 peak prevalence in Yemen) to support the quarantined individuals with necessary services through RRM support ensuring each individual is provided with the needed Food, hygiene and dignity kit. Moreover, BFD is supporting these individuals with NFIs (blanket, mattresses, sheets, cooking sets, buckets, etc.) to ensure the preservation of their human rights and survival needs are met. IDPs sites/settlements have been BFD’s main focus to respond to for COVID-19 as BFD in collaboration with health partners has established community committees (equipped with phone credit) responsible for awareness sessions, utilizing existing site committees, and trained them on disseminating culturally appropriate information material, messages and community training on communicable disease (COVID-19 included) prevention measures, established community alert systems which had the ability to detect and report against early warning indicators.
And in collaboration with WASH partners, distributed (through the community utilizing CFW schemes) hygiene and sanitation items both at a household and community level prioritizing IDPs hosting sites and camps and addressed basic infrastructure gaps, especially the installation of Handwashing Stations within the IDPs sites and camps.
BFD realized the great shortage and impact the COVID-19 would make on the current fragile situation, and we have been doing our best to be ready to respond despite a lack of funding. Protocols are being placed to maintain operation remotely without affecting the rhythm and quality of support. BFD staff are trained regularly on new protocols, both made available by BFD management and donors/UN through clusters and other sources. Meetings and training are maintained through online links and when needed office meetings are held keeping needed precaution measures in place