The practice of modern supervision in the management of humanitarian organizations is considered necessary for the persistence and continuity of the work of these organizations with the presence of increasing competition, and in light of organizations' implementation of their various activities, it has become necessary to know the real impact of activities and learn from overcoming obstacles and reinforcing the positives, as well as following up progress, evaluating results and noting lessons from applied solution are key managerial functions in any management plan.
Where we believe it is important to demonstrate our achievements and tell the stories of where and how our work is making a difference. It is vital that we learn where we can improve and regularly collect information that measures our progress. We must ensure that we are accountable to the people we are working to help and to the donors and agencies who entrust BFD with resources to do this work. We need to monitor and evaluate ourselves to advance programme quality, for accounting for BFD’s results, and for increasing our impact.

BFD is one of the civil society organizations that work on the humanitarian and development fields that is committed to the implementation of its activities with the quality standard while ensuring the principle of transparency and accountability towards stakeholders and targeted communities. BFD is also concerned with preserving the trust of the reached beneficiaries, and is interested in educating the beneficiaries of all their rights and raising their awareness of all channels dedicated to ensure their voices are heard and responded to through a solid mechanism of complaints and feedback.

We see the impact as lasting, positive change in the lives of poor and vulnerable communities. We work in partnerships with groups and other organisations, making sure we’re working together to bring about lasting change. Our monitoring and evaluation processes help us understand the contributions BFD has made to positive changes in the lives of the communities we have worked with, and how we can help enable even greater changes in the future.